- incapacity for work
- неспособность работать
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
incapacity for work — A familiar phrase in workmen s compensation statutes; including not merely want of physical ability to work, but lack of opportunity for work; loss of earning power as a workman in consequence of the injury, whether the loss manifests itself in… … Ballentine's law dictionary
incapacity — in·ca·pac·i·ty /ˌin kə pa sə tē/ n pl ties 1: the quality or state of being incapable; esp: lack of legal qualifications due to age or mental condition compare capacity 2: the inability of an injured worker to perform the duties required in a job … Law dictionary
Department for Work and Pensions — Logo of the Department for Work and Pensions Department overview Formed 2001 Preceding Departme … Wikipedia
incapacity — Want of legal, physical, or intellectual capacity; want of power or ability to take or dispose; want of legal ability to act. Inefficiency; incompetency; lack of adequate power. The quality or state of being incapable, want of capacity, lack of… … Black's law dictionary
incapacity — Want of legal, physical, or intellectual capacity; want of power or ability to take or dispose; want of legal ability to act. Inefficiency; incompetency; lack of adequate power. The quality or state of being incapable, want of capacity, lack of… … Black's law dictionary
Incapacity Benefit — is a United Kingdom state benefit intended for those below the State Pension age who cannot work because of illness or disability. The benefit is administered by Jobcentre Plus (an executive agency of the Department for Work and… … Wikipedia
incapacity benefit — a state benefit payable to those under the state retirement age who are incapable of work because of an illness or disability but who do not qualify for statutory sick pay; it replaced invalidity benefit and sickness benefit in 1995. Entitlement… … Medical dictionary
incapacity benefit — a state benefit payable to those under the state retirement age who are incapable of work because of an illness or disability but who do not qualify for statutory sick pay; it replaced invalidity benefit and sickness benefit in 1995. Entitlement… … The new mediacal dictionary
incapacity benefit — ➔ benefit1 * * * incapacity benefit UK US noun [C or U] ► GOVERNMENT in the UK, a regular payment from the government to people who are unable to work because of illness or injury: be on/receive incapacity benefit »Officials plan to verify that… … Financial and business terms
List of Orders in Council for Northern Ireland — The is a list of Orders in Council for Northern Ireland which are primary legislation for the province when it is being directly ruled from London and also for those powers not devolved to the Northern Ireland Assembly. The Statutory Instruments… … Wikipedia
Union for the Mediterranean — Members of the Union for the Mediterranean Member states of the European Union … Wikipedia